Mango steamcake

 Mango steamcake is puttu cooked with soft mango flesh. I used overripe Banaganapalli or Benishan mangoes. These are mangoes grown in Banaganapalle village of Andhra Pradesh. It is sweet and meaty. There is a nonchalant attitude to overmature mangoes in my home, so this steamcake is a meal to trick everyone into eating them ;-). The puttu was made in the long, cylindrical puttu maker called puttukutti. 





The innards...


White puttupodi - 3/4 cup

Salt - 1/4 tsp

Water, warm - a few sprinkles

Coconut, grated - 1/4 cup

Mango, ripe - 2 Tbsp





The procedure...


 In a bowl, mix puttu podi, a teaspoon of coconut and salt. Add warm water little by little and merge gently with your fingers. Combine softly to remove any lumps. Set aside for a few minutes.

In the puttu maker, make sure that the perforated lid is at the bottom. Add alternate layers of coconut and the integrated puttu podi so that the top and bottom layer in the puttu maker is coconut. Add a layer of cut mango pieces in the center. Close with lid and keep on top of a pressure cooker which has water.





 Cook on slow flame. As the water boils, the steam enters the puttukutti through the perforated lid, cooks the puttu and escapes through the holes in the top lid. After you see steam coming out from the top, you can turn off the heat after a few more minutes. Relish the hot steamcake with brown chickpeas and coconut stir fry, or with microwaved oil-free papad.



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