Blueberry green juice

 Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which means that they prevent the oxidation process that damage our cells. We bought some fresh blueberries and I added a few into our regular green juice. It rendered the juice a lovely light blue tinge.



The fundamental ingredients of the drink...

Ash gourd - 250g
Gooseberry - 3
Cucumber - 1
Blueberry - 5
Cumin seeds - 1/4 tsp
Lemon - 1/2
Turmeric ginger powder - a pinch
Plant-based collagen powder - a bit
Spinach powder - a tad
Salt - a smidgeon
Water - 6 glasses

The secret recipe to conjure the health drink ;-)...
Peel cucumber. Remove outer skin of ash gourd. Discard seeds of both. Chop them into small pieces. Cut gooseberry into thin slices and remove seed. Fling these into juicer along with cumin seeds, blueberries and a glass of water. Blend.

Strain into a glass jug. Squeeze juice of tlemon into it. Throw in salt and the health powders. Add in the rest of the water.  Stir well. Pour into tall glasses and distribute to your family. Appreciate the mild taste along with all its goodness.

A fairy sketch by my daughter :-)



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