Brinjal stir fry


Brinjal is also called eggplant or aubergine. This dish is commonly called brinjal mezhukuvartti.

The elements of Mom's yummilicious stir fry..

Brinjal - 200g

Rice bran oil - 1 Tbsp

Green chili - 1

Salt - 1/4 tsp

Chili powder - a bit

The technique...

Chop off the stalk of the brinjal. Cut into thin, long 2 inch pieces. Wash well. 

Heat a flat saucepan and drizzle oil. When the oil becomes hot, with your hand squeeze out the water in the brinjal and add them into the pan. Add a slit chili, salt and chili powder. Give it a good mix. Pan fry for 8 to 10 minutes.

Serve with rice or chapati.
