Masala dosa

Dosa is a South Indian pancake, usually served with sambar and chutney. Masala dosa is dosa with a potato filling. After my evening walk, my fitbit showed that I had covered 10,000 steps. So a masala dosa was well deserved;-) Mom makes enough idli and dosa batter to last us for a week. My daughter loves crispy buttery dosa with mint coriander chutney 
or chammanthi podi Today I had the honour of making crispy dosas for everyone at home. 

Adding the potato masala in the center of the dosa,
 And covering the masala
 My daughter had it this way.

To make dosa,
Raw rice / idli rice - 4 cups
Urad dal - 1 and 3/4 cup (for a stone grinder. If grinding in a mixie, take 2 cups)
Soak rice and dal separately the previous night.
Grind urad dal to a fine paste. Grind raw rice too, separately.
Mix both properly.  Keep aside overnight. It will ferment, becoming sour and will rise.
This batter can be used for idli. For a dosa batter, add little water to get a loose batter.  When about to make dosa, add salt and mix.

For the potato filling,
Potato - 4
Onion - 3 medium size, peeled and chopped
Green chili - 1 or 2
Oil - 1/2 Tbsp
Mustard seeds - a pinch
Bengal gram - 1/4 tsp
Curry leaf - a few
Turmeric powder  - a pinch
Coriander leaves - a few
Boil potatoes until it cooks. Peel. Mash. Keep aside.
In a pan on medium heat, add oil. Add mustard seeds, bengal gram and a few curry leaves. When the mustard leaves burst, add onion. Fry until soft. Add turmeric powder. Mix.
Add mashed potatoes. Add salt according to taste. Add coriander and curry leaves.

To make masala dosa,
Dosa batter
Heat a large non-stick pan. Spread dosa batter starting from the center, towards the outer edges, just like a pancake. Take a 1/2 tsp of butter and spread it all over the dosa. Keep on medium flame. When it looks a little cooked, flip it over. When it becomes crisp, flip over once more. Spread potato masala in the center, and bring both the ends of the dosa together.

To make chutney,
Coconut, grated - 1 cup
Green chili - 1 or 2
Small onion - 1 or 2
Tamarind - a pinch
Coriander leaves - a few
Grind to a paste.

Serve masala dosa with chutney.

Recipe from Mom
