Ginger papaya yogurt smoothie

Its raining cats and dogs here. The small streets and pot-holes are filled with muddy water. The weather is gloomy and dull. With so little sunlight, I would rather prefer to sleep in. But my daughter needs to attend online classes. I have cut fruits in my fridge. And lazy me thinks "Smoothie"!

The Kokeshi doll is called Hohemi (meaning Smile). Its made from Mizuki wood and handpainted in Japan. She is created by Masai Fujikawa, recepient of the Prime Minister's award. She has plum flowers on her kimono and a red top knot. The head and trunk are made separately, and these dolls have no hands or feet. My husband brought her as a souvenir when he travelled to Tokyo for work.

Ingredients for the smoothie are :

Papaya - peeled, and diced
Apple - peeled, and diced
Ginger - 1/2 inch, grated
Yogurt - 1/2 cup

