Aval nanachathu

Aval is beaten rice flakes. This is a classic Keralite tea time snack. It reminds my mother of her hostel days.
Aval - 1 cup
Milk - 2 tsp
Coconut,  grated - 3/4 cup
Jaggery - 1/4 cup

Sprinkle milk on the aval. Keep aside for 2 hours until it becomes soft and moist. 

In a saucepan on low flame, warm some water. Add jaggery. Stir until it becomes thread-like consistency. Pass it through a sieve.

Add coconut and jaggery to the aval. Cashew nuts and raisins fried in ghee, and ground cardamom could be added too.

It's great on it's own or with banana.

Recipe from Mom.
