Sourdough cinnamon swirl bread

Cinnamon is a celebrated spice. In Sweden, Cinnamon bun day is celebrated on October 4th. In Denmark, if you are unmarried at 25, you are doused with cinnamon on your birthday. This tradition is probably because is in the olden days, spice salemen used to travel a lot and did not stay long in one place. So they could not settle down with a partner. And if you are unmarried at 30, the Danes would cover you with pepper. Ouch!

Ingredients for the bread are :

For the dough :
Sourdough - 113 gms
All purpose flour - 361 gms
Organic jaggery - 1 Tbsp
Salt - 1 and 1/4 tsp
Organic egg - 1
Olive oil - 10 gms
Lukewarm water - 152 gms

For the filling :
Organic jaggery - 50 gms
Cinnamon - 1 and 1/2 tsp
All purpose flour - 2 tsp
Organic egg - 1
Raisins - 74 gms

Combine all dough ingredients. Knead by folding like a business letter to get a smooth dough. 

Grease dough and place in a bowl. Cover with a kitchen cloth. Keep aside to double in bulk, about 2 hours.

Gently deflate. Transfer to a lightly floured kitchen surface. Pat with your fingers into a rectangle 6" x 20".

Brush flattened dough with egg.

Mix the filling ingredients sans egg in a bowl. Sprinkle dough with filling, leaving a 1" gap at one of the short ends. Starting with the other short end, roll into a tight log. Pinch the ends to close the roll. 

Place in a greased bread baking pan with the seam side down. Brush with egg. Cover with a kitchen towel for 1 hour.

Preheat oven to 180C. Bake for 45 minutes. Lightly tent with a alumiinium foil after 20 minutes.

Recipe ref : (KAF)
