Coconut chutney powder

Kerala is a state with a lot of coconut trees. In fact, Kera means coconut tree and alam means land. We get our coconuts year round from the trees in our garden! Mom made this podi. There's always a jar of podi in the kitchen. Relish your dosa and idli with this homemade chammanthi podi. 
Ingredients :-

Grated coconut - 2 cups
Small onions - 50 gms
Ginger - a small piece
Curry leaves(small) - 20 
Tamarind - as required

Heat a frying pan and add grated coconut. Cut small pieces of ginger and onion and put it in the pan. Add curry leaves. Stir together till it becomes dark brown in color. Remove from heat. Once cool, grind into a powder. Add tamarind and salt according to taste. Store in an air-tight jar.

Recipe from Mom


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