Uppu mulakku

This is Mom's special really spicy chutney. We have it with tapioca, dosa and paratha. I remember my brother loved it when he was staying with us. It can be kept outside the refrigerator for upto a week.

The secret ingredients (passed down from Mom's mother) ...
Red chili - 6 or 7
Small onions - 3 or 4
Coconut oil - 1 tsp

Roast red chili on tava until they become big and bubbly. Grind. Add salt and grind to a powder.
Chop onions into small pieces and crunch (a very brief grind) in the mixie just 1 or 2 times. Add oil. That's it.

I had it with aaloo paratha today. As it was a yumm combination, I had more than my usual quota. So I took a walk in my garden after the meal. And I took some pictures of our orchid blooms (painstakingly taken care of by Mom)


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