Omelette with spring onions and sourdough bread

Omelettes are really fun, you can add almost anything to it and with the right spices, it always tastes good. Really! Combine that with fresh from oven sourough bread...and breakfast is complete. I added a bit of Italian seasoning along with crushed rock salt to the sourdough, to take off the punch of the sourness. By the way, I also completed a novel on Kindle. I was always apprehensive about reading on Kindle, but I am now beginning to like it. Number 1 plus point, you don't have to use "both" hands to hold two sides of a book. Number 2 plus point, it comes with a backlight. So you can read it quite well with just a bedside lamp. Number 3 plus point, the font size can be increased or decreased to suit you. So the book I have been stuck on to is "The Turn of the Key".

It's about Rowan, a nursery school teacher who applies to an advert that requires a full-time nanny to four children in a remote house in Scotland. She gets the job, but on the day she starts, the parents are away for work for two weeks. Having had four or five nannies before her, the children view her with distrust and are very stubborn. Together with that, during bedtime she hears creaking sounds as if someone is pacing above her room (while there is no floor above her's). Moreover that house is part Victorian and part modified into a hi-tech house with panels to which you can command the lights to be turned on, music to be turned on, door to be opened etc.. She also hears folkore that there was a chemist living in the house long ago and his daughter died by being accidentally poisoned by one of his poison plants, It is believed that he became mad and kept pacing back and forth waiting for his daughter. So there goes..if this book was made into a movie with all the sound effects, I am sure it would have been scary. But for me for it was like, I am sure there is a proper explanation for everything and it will all come in the end. But the ending was truly unexpected and I still keep catching myself thinking oh my god..can such things really happen. Read it to know more :-)

And with that I continue on my omelette story..The secret ingredients are..

Organic brown eggs - 2

Spring onion - 1 stalk with leaves

Rock salt, crushed - a bit

Turmeric powder - a pinch

Pepper - 1/4 tsp

Italian seasoning - 1/4 tsp

Olive oil - 1/4 tsp

Clean spring onion well and chop it up, separating the onion bulbs and leaves.

Heat up a wide saucepan and drizzle oil. Spread the oil and add the chopped onion bulbs. Saute for half a minute. 

Break eggs into a bowl. Add spices and chopped spring onion leaves. Beat a little and pour onto the saucepan, on top of the onions. Tilt the saucepan sideways to spread the egg. Cook for a few minutes and upturn. Serve hot with sourdough bread. Enjoy!


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