Egg pinwheels

A pinwheel is a child's toy that rotates when you run with it or when there is a breeze. In malayalam, it is called kattadi. My daughter had one made from coconut leaf by her grandfather. She used it below the fan to see it spin. This recipe is an inspiration from another food blog  The green stuffing is a paste of mainly spinach and avocado. That's right, you caught me ;-) it's a remainder of the leaves and avocado flesh from today's green juice. Waste not. 

A single chili turned it quite spicy. My daughter was like "WATERR". So I recommend just a quarter of a chili for the paste. To make it a bit nutty, it has a fistful of roughly ground almonds. Here goes the detailed recipe..

Spinach, fresh - 2 handfuls

Avocado, ripe - 1/2

Almonds - a few

Green chili - 1/4

Rock salt, crushed - 1/4 tsp

Lemon - 1/2

Chop the leaves roughly and also scoop out the flesh of the avocado. Slice almonds coarsely. Grind all ingredients into a rough paste (it need'nt be very smooth). 

Organic eggs - 2

Rock salt, crushed - a pinch

Olive oil - 1/2 tsp

Beat eggs and pour onto a heated skillet brushed with oil. When the underside is cooked and it is safe to flip (safe in the sense your kitchen will not be spangled with egg), turn the sides. Cook for a minute. Spread the green paste on the omelette and wrap it lightly into a cylinder. Cut (at an angle) into pieces gently.


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