Avocado green juice

Spinach is packed with iron and calcium. What better way to have it than as part of a "clean" juice (not in the literal meaning of the word). Here clean means that it is gut friendly. Our gut has a plethora of bacteria and microorganisms helping with digestion. "Clean gut" tells us that the root cause of all illnesses lie in our gut. The author gives an analogy with a plant wth dying leaves. The gardener does not replace the dying leaves with green painted leaves, instead he examines the roots. When you have a sick leg, you wouldn't want your leg to be amputated (I know that's a bit of exaggeration). But you would want your doctor to dig deeper and find out exactly why you are ill. Instead of rectifying the issue at the surface level, you want to know how to truly fix it for life. Dr Alejandro explains in these lines and believes that our physical and mental health depend on our gut health. 

Speaking of gut. I have a gut feeling that you dislike the look of the juice. Don't worry, it's a mild juice. The greeness is from spinach and avacado. It has a spritz of lemon juice which gives it a zing. Let me list out in recipe fashion ...

Spinach, fresh - 2 handfuls
Avocado, ripe - 1/2
Lemon - 1/2
Pink rock salt, crushed - a pinch
Plant-based collagen - a dash
Water - 2 glasses

Wash the spinach well in filtered water (you don't want to ingest all the pesticides that are sprayed on leaves). Trim the stems. Scoop out the flesh of the avocado. Puree both with some water. Sieve through a strainer so that you get a thin liquidy juice. Squeeze juice of lemon. Add salt, collagen powder and water. Stir to mix well. Serve in tall glasses.


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