Green juice with java apple

Java apple is a thirst quenching fruit as it contains mainly water. It is bell shaped and hang in bunches. The java apple tree in our garden is a short tree which gives us abundant jambakkas during this season. The flowers are white and spiky like, though the spikes are soft. The fruit can be eaten as such, or with salt, or added in salads and juices. There are java apples which are green, pink and red in color. 

The mojo of the juice is because of the following..

Java apple - 5
Ash gourd - 300g
Gooseberry - 4
Curry leaf - 2 sprigs
Lemon - 1/2
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Freshly crushed peppercorn - a pinch
Plant-based collagen - 1/4 tsp
Turmeric ginger powder - a smidgeon
Water - 4 glasses

The method..
Peel off the skin of ash gourd and gooseberry and remove seeds. Remove seeds of java apple. Chop ash gourd, gooseberry and java apple into small pieces. Throw these into the blender, along with curry leaves. Blitz. 
Strain juice to remove the chunky parts. Squeeze juice of lemon. Add in water, salt, pepper, collagen and turmeric ginger powder. Stir to mix well. Pour into tall glasses.
