Broccoli and beans stir fry

Stir frying is a process of cooking in which vegetables are cooked with little oil on medium to high heat. It is primarily a Chinese technique. In my stir fry, I added green beans. The beans are also called french beans, snap beans, haricot beans and string beans. They are immature fruits where the pods are still unripe.
The ingredients for the stir fry..
Broccoli - 1
Beans, haricot - 300g
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Freshly ground peppercorn - a tad
Olive oil, extra virgin - 2 tsp
The method..
Break broccoli into small florets and souse them in hot water with a speck of turmeric powder and salt.
Let them remain immersed for 15 minutes. Drain the water.
Chop beans into half inch length pieces.
Warm up a saucepan and dribble oil. When it gets hot, throw in broccoli and beans. Toss at medium heat till beans are cooked through, but still crispy. Add in salt and pepper. Stir around for a minute more.
Relish the crunchy vegetables.


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