Sprouted mung beans and coconut stir fry, No oil

Sprouted beans are touted to be healthier and nutrient dense than the beans. They are pretty uncomplicated. Soak the beans overnight and into the next day, changing the water 3 or 4 times. Drain the water and place them in a glass jar or steel container. Small tails will eventually form. They can be eaten raw in salads.

The materials..

Sprouted mung beans - 1 and 1/2 cup

Coconut, grated - 1/2 cup

Shallots - 5

Green chili - 1

Salt - 1/4 tsp

Kashmiri chili powder - 1/4 tsp

Cumin seeds - a smidgeon

The procedure..

Slice shallots into small pieces. Mince chili. Add the coconut, shallots, chili, salt, cumin seeds and chili powder into the grinder jar and blend for 2 seconds.

Heat a deep-bottomed saucepan and throw in the sprouted beans. Make a well in the center by pushing some of the beans to the side of the pan and add the coconut hodgepodge in the center. Cover the coconut mishmash with the beans moved to the side of the pan and allow it to cook in the steam. After 2 to 3 minutes, stir to intermingle everything. Turn off the heat. Serve hot with rice. It is also delicious as such!


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