Baked moth bean and beetroot cutlet, No oil

Cutlets are conventionally deep fried so that it is crunchy and crispy. Baking cutlets is an oil free method to make them brittle and crackling. I used leftover moth bean and coconut stir fry, some boiled potatoes and a small grated beetroot to form the patty. 

The building blocks...
Potato - 4
Beetroot - 1/2
Roasted bengal gram (split brown chickpeas) - a handful
Egg, organic brown - 1
White bread - 2 slices

The process...
Boil potatoes in water with a smidge of salt. Allow to cool. Mash it with the back of a fork's tines. Peel and grate beetroot. Put together bengal gram, potato, beetroot and moth bean stir fry.

Make small balls of the mishmash.

Flatten them into discs.

Grind the bread slices into crumbs. Break and whisk an egg. Dip the hodgepodge discs in egg and roll them on the breadcrumbs. Line a baking tray with baking paper and gently place these discs on them. 

Preheat oven to 200C. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes flipping sides in between. Place between buns and have like a burger or enjoy as such!
