Sourdough pumpkin bread

One of the all-time family favorite quick bread is pumkin bread. My daughter who dislikes pumpkin in any of the vegetable dishes says the bread is yumm! Its super moist like a cake. Its super healthy too; almost half a medium-sized pumpkin goes into it. It has a rich spice flavour, as I add cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and cardamom; the whole shebang of spices. 

This bread is made from sourdough; dough fermented by wild yeast and lactobacilli. Its called a quick bread because chemical leavening agents (baking powder and baking soda - just a 1/2 tsp) are also added for its rise and it does not need to be kept aside for hours before baking.

Wet ingredients :

Sourdough - 170g
Pumpkin puree - 227g (diced pumpkin, steamed, then pureed)
Olive oil - 67g
Organic eggs - 2
Vanilla essence - 1 tsp

Dry ingredients :

All purpose flour - 241g
Salt - 3/4 tsp
Organic jaggery - 99g
Powdered cinnamon - 1/2 tsp
Cloves - 3
Powdered ginger - 1/2 tsp
Nutmeg - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
Baking soda - 1/2 tsp

Black and green raisins - 85 gm
Pumpkin seeds - 1 Tbsp

Powder cloves with a mortar and pestle. When I don't have cloves, I use green cardamom instead. Powder enough to have about 1/2 tsp, after removing the outer shells. Combine dry ingredients.

Stir together oil, eggs and pumpkin in a separate bowl. Stir in starter and vanilla.

Add dry ingredients into wet ingredients. Stir until combined uniformly. Add raisins. I sometimes add a combination of raisins and dates (pitted and chopped small). Stir.

Preheat oven to 180C. Grease a bread baking pan with oil. Pour batter. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds on top.

Bake for 55 minutes or until a paring knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove from oven. Turn it out of pan onto a rack and cool for 15 minutes.

Recipe ref : (KAF)


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