Ash gourd soup

Ash gourd is a longish light green vegetable. Its inside is white, with white seeds. Seeds are big and the vegetable can be deseeded easily. Ash gourd has a lot of positive energy. Its very low in calories and it moves through our body almost like water. So its good to incorporate ash gourd into your diet.

Ash gourd - 2 small, peeled and deseeded
Garlic -  3 pods, thinly sliced
Ginger - 1/2 inch, thinly sliced
Mint leaves - a handful
Water - 2 cups
Olive oil - 1 tsp

Cube the ash gourd. Microwave it with some water for 10 minutes. Keep aside to cool. Puree.

Peel ginger and garlic. Slice into small pieces.

In a saucepan, sprinkle oil. Add garlic and ginger. Stir, 5 minutes.

Add puree and water. Add spices. Simmer, 5 minutes

Garnish with mint leaves.


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