Jackfruit chips

Chakka chips are one of my daughter's favourite snack items. Today, she is munching on these homemade crispies reading Geronimo Stilton. 

Jackfruit trees are very common in the interior parts of Kerala, like in Mallapally where dad and mom are from. The fruit is huge and oblong in shape, greenish yellow with a bumpy surface. When it is cut open, the bulbs are a deep yellow color. The ripe bulbs can be eaten fresh after deseeding. The seeds can be added in curries and mezhukupurattis. 

Ingredients for the chips are :

Chakka chola (cleaned and extracted raw jackfruit peels) - 250 gms, cut to any shape you want
Ricebran oil - 250 gms

How to cook :

Keep a large frying pan on the stove. Pour oil in. Heat oil. Drop jackfruit peels into it. If the oil is hot enough, there will be an audible hissing sound. Using a flat ladle, keep moving the peels until they are yellowish brown in color. Then the peels can be taken out. Ready to eat when cooled. (You may sprinkle salt on the fried peels).

Recipe from Dad


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