Fish bake with potato topping

Anchovies are small silvery fish, similar to sardines. Once cooked, their bones become soft and can be eaten. It is a protein bomb; 100 g of the fish contains 29 g of protein.Fresh and dried anchovies known as netholi is popular in Kerala.

Ingredients are :

Anchovies, frozen - 500g
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Onion - 1, peeled and diced
Garlic - 3 pods, peeled and sliced
Red chili flakes
Turmeric powder - a pinch
Oregano - 1 Tbsp
All purpose flour - 1 Tbsp

Peas, frozen - 1 cup, thawed
Potato - 3, medium
Water - 1 cup
Yogurt - 3 Tbsp
Nutmeg - 1/4 tsp

To make :

Clean fish in salt and turmeric water. Remove bone. Wash well. Keep aside.

Pressure cook potatoes with water, until cooked. Once it cools down, peel. Mash with the back of a fork.

In a bowl, mix yogurt, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add to mashed potatoes. Mix well.

In a saucepan, on medium flame, add oil. Add onion and garlic. Stir until soft. Add salt, pepper, red chili flakes, turmeric powder. Stir. Add fish. Stir. Cover with lid and cook on slow flame for 5 minutes. Uncover. Stir. Add flour. Stir so that spices and flour coat the fish.

Preheat oven to 180C. In a baking dish, place the fish. Sprinkle oregano. Spread peas on top. Add potato mash on top. Bake for 45 minutes.

Recipe ref : BBC Good Food


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