
Pizza base - 2
Tomato - 2 small
Garlic - 4 cloves, peeled
Onion - 2 small, peeled
Yellow capsicum - 1 small
Green capsicum - 1 small
Bajji chilli (light green and big) - 1
Mozarella cheese - 50gms
Oregano - 2 tsp
Salt - 3/4 tsp
Pepper - 1/2 tsp
Olive oil - 4 Tbsp

Wash all the vegetables well. Place the tomatoes in a melamine bowl and microwave for 2 mins. The skin will become soft and wrinkly. Let it cool. Then peel off the skin and cut into cubes. If it has not become pulpy, you can mash it in a mixie. Heat a pan and spray some oil. Spoon in the mashed tomatoes, little salt and 1 tsp of oregano. Cook for a few minutes and transfer to a bowl.

Cut a circle sround the stem of the capsicums and bajji chilli and take out the seeds. Wash them again. Cut the garlic into small pieces. Slice onion into rings. Similarly with the chilli and capsicum. The capsicum rings will look like flowers. Heat the pan and spray some oil. Add the remaining salt. Add the capsicum and chilli and saute for 3 mins. Sprinkle pepper and rest of the oregano. Saute for a few more mins and transfer to another bowl.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Brush olive oil on top of the pizza base and bake for 5 mins or until it becomes crisp and slightly brown. Remove from oven and spoon the tomato paste on the pizza. Then add layers of the onion-garlic mix, capsicum-chilli mix. Top off with cheese slices. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes. Serve after segmenting into wedges with a serrated knife.


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