Fish fry

From the local fish shop, I bought half a kilogram of sardines. They are long and silvery. It seems they are called so, because they are aplenty near the Italian island of Sardinia.


The fishmonger removed the head of the fish and cut a slit through its belly. After I brought it home, I washed them well under running water and scooped out any extra flesh inside the cut.

Then I marinated the fish with salt, turmeric powder, chili powder, ginger powder and ground pepper. Finally I dumped it in a closed glass jar in the freezer.

The next day morning, I transferred it to the fridge so that it would defrost by dinner time.

All that is required now is a flat skillet and a bit of olive oil. Pan fry the fish on both sides until they are evenly done. Now it is primed for eating, alongside rice or Indian bread (chapati) and salad.


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