
Appam is fermented rice flour. I got a refrigerated batter from our local shop. The print on the cover advised to add a bit of salt, a pinch of baking soda, a splash of water and a quarter spoon of sugar. I added and mixed the batter so that the additives are consistently distributed and left it covered on the kitchen island overnight. 

The batter bubbled up and almost overflowed out of the dish. I gave it a good stir and kept a skillet to heat up. Then added a dollop of olive oil, shook the pan to spread the oil and dropped 2 tablespoons full of the batter onto it. I covered the skillet with a glass lid.

The bottom half of the appam cooked in about 3 minutes on slow flame. After flipping, I covered the appam again with the lid and let it cook for another 3 minutes. Your delicious sweet appam is ready to be eaten!


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