Chicken curry

I use zuchinni in this recipe as it makes the sauce pulpy and thick(you can use potatoes instead). Also called courgette or summer squash, it resembles cucumber. Its a rich source of dietary fiber, vitamin B, potassium; so pick the really dark green ones. A low maintenance vegetable; you only have to give a nice rinse under cool water and dice or slice with the skin on.

You need the following ingredients..
350 gms chicken, washed and roughly diced
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
1 small thumb size fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
2 red onions, peeled and roughly chopped
1 red chilli, deseeded and chopped
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 teaspoons meat masala (you can use dry meat bouillon instead)
1/4 of a medium zuchinni, cubed
A bunch of fresh coriander, leaves picked

Cover chicken with cold water, some salt, half a teaspoon of turmeric and bring to boil. Then leave it on medium heat for 20 minutes. Save the water in which the chicken cooks to use as stock.

Meanwhile, heat a non-stick saucepan and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil. When the oil is really nice and hot, throw in cumin seeds. To this, add garlic, ginger, red chilli and onion. Give this a good stir on medium heat. When onions start to brown, add meat masala, some salt and remaining turmeric. Stir around for 5 minutes and keep aside. Once cooled down, transfer into a blender, sprinkle some water and fuse into a thick, fragrant marinade paste.

At this stage, heat the pan again and into it dribble the remaining oil. Pop in cooked chicken pieces and toss around to coat with oil. Rub the marinade of spice pulp into the chicken by turning and tossing the meat with the spices. Throw in zucchini and pour chicken stock to just about cover chicken. Put the lid on and cook for 20 minutes. Once in a while, stir around to allow the lovely broth to get sucked up by the chicken. After that, simmer for 5 more minutes. Finally, you can give this dish a good zing with finely chopped coriander.


  1. For thos of us who do not know what is zucchini, please also keep explanatory notes.

    "When onions start to brown, add meat masala, some salt and remaining turmeric. Stir around for 5 minutes. Once cooled down..." how is thi spossible? It is still on heat.

  2. You are very lazy.
    Since 12 March, have not done any cooking!


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