Cabbage thoran

A typical South Indian dish, 'thoran' refers to a stir fried (usually vegetable) dish with ground coconut. You can make different thorans by substituting cabbage with carrot, beetroot, green capsicum, beans. Coconut grows in abundance in Kerala (a coastal state of South India), and consequently, grated coconut, coconut milk are widely used in its cuisine. You will be surprised to know that Keralites use 'every' part of the coconut tree; its palm leaves are used to thatch houses and weave mats, baskets and other useful household items. Coconut husk is used to produce coir, which is woven into ropes, doormats and furnishing material; the curved shell of coconut is used to make spoons, ladles... This amazingly simple recipe is really fresh and light. To start with, you need 400 gms cabbage, freshly grated 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 small onion, finely sliced 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder Salt to taste 2 tablespoons grated coconut (I used dry kokos, usually found in the confectionary section of stores) Heat oil over medium heat in a large saucepan and pop mustard seeds. Then saute onions for 5 minutes or until softened. Throw in cabbage and season with a good pinch of salt. Stir all together and drizzle some water. Turn down heat and cover pan with a lid so that cabbage cooks slowly. Check once in a while to make sure that cabbage is not drying up and there is enough moisture in pan. While you leave it so for 10 minutes, blend together coconut and turmeric. Just a tiny press of the blender will get this done. Spoon blended coconut in centre of pan and cover with cooked cabbage. This way coconut will cook quickly. Give this about 5 minutes and stir to bring everything together. Leave this on the pan for a few more minutes; just enough for the dampness to evaporate. Serve with nice, warm rice.


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